Seed-borne diseases of Brinjal (Solanum melongena l.) And their control measures: a review. | Abstract
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Seed-borne diseases of Brinjal (Solanum melongena l.) And their control measures: a review.

Author(s): Dilip Kumar Sharma*, Nandini Sharma, Shafkat Rana


Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) is an important widely consumed nutritious vegetable crop grown globally. It is native of India or major Asia and cultivated in India for last 4,000 years. It contains several amino acids, alkaloids, pigments, flavanoids and sugars. In ayurveda, it is medicine used for cure of diabetic patients, liver complaints and to control serum cholesterol. Ethano-botanically it is used for cure of fistula, piles, stomach pain and burns. The crop is infected with major diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, virus, mycoplasma and nematode that reduced the quality and market value of crop that directly or indirectly affected the economy of market and crop producers.

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