Seasonal variations in the biochemical composition of muscle and liver of marine fishes, Gazza achlamys and Ariomma indica from Visakhapatnam coast, South India. | Abstract
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Seasonal variations in the biochemical composition of muscle and liver of marine fishes, Gazza achlamys and Ariomma indica from Visakhapatnam coast, South India.

Author(s): Siva Prasad K.*, Prasad N.V., Venkateswarlu Ch.


easonal variations in biochemical constituents were observed in muscle and liver of two marine fishes i.e. Gazza achlamys and Ariomma indica. The result indicated that muscle proteins are low in monsoon season in A. indica and in all seasons in G. achlamys. When compared to muscle, carbohydrate and lipids levels are very high in liver tissue of A. indica. Whereas there is a slight difference in G. achlamys. It is well understood from the current study that each habitat group of fishes has its own nutritional value parameters with sense to their different food preferences. This shows the mobilization of biochemical constituents in body tissues during different seasons. Based on current finding, it is concluded that G. achlamys and A. indica are the good source of protein, carbohydrates and lipids.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.06.005

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