Screening, isolation, identification of homofermentative bacilli and homofermentative cocci from idli batter and estimation of lactic acid produced by them to get the highest yield giving organism.. | Abstract
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Screening, isolation, identification of homofermentative bacilli and homofermentative cocci from idli batter and estimation of lactic acid produced by them to get the highest yield giving organism..

Author(s): Pathak L. P.*, Mali R. D., Deshmukh P. S.


Lactic acid is an organic acid produced by bacterial fermentation. It has several industrial applications. Lactic acid has been produced on commercial scale using various Lactic acid bacteria. Lactobacillus leishmanii is the most commonly employed species4. Screening for high yielding Lactic acid producing bacillus or coccus from natural source will improve its commercial value. Lactic acid bacteria include some rod shaped genera and some genera with the morphology, cocci2. They are abundantly present in curd, Idli batter and many other fermented foods. They are non sporing, mostly non motile, microaerophilic in nature. They can be easily isolated and cultivated in anaerobic jar. Sterile Deman, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS medium) medium is most commonly used for their isolation and cultivation4. Simple spectrophotometric assay of Summerson and Barker for Lactic acid estimation makes the quantitative comparison between cocci and bacilli isolated from Idli batter possible and may provide a new organism for Lactic acid fermentation. Suitability of Summerson and Barker’s method for estimation of Lactic acid produced in MRS broth has also been checked.

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