Preliminary study on Ethno-medicinal plants used for treating malarial fever in Pilibhit Tiger Reserve, Uttar Pradesh, India. | Abstract
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Preliminary study on Ethno-medicinal plants used for treating malarial fever in Pilibhit Tiger Reserve, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Author(s): Vijay Vishnu Wagh


Present study provides significant information on ethno-medicinal plants used for treating malarial fever by the Tharu tribe of Pilibhit Tiger Reserve. The ethno-medicinal data was collected by using prescribed questionnaire. A total 30 informants were critically interviewed for data collection. A total of 23 plant species representing 22 families were found to be commonly used to treat malarial fever. The families most represented were Lamiaceae (4 species) followed by Solanaceae (3 species), Cucurbitaceae and Menispermaceae (2 species each). Some novel traditional uses of certain plants as medicines for treating malarial fever were also recorded. The medicinal plants with botanical name and collection number are arranged in alphabetical order followed by the family, local name growth form parts used and mode of administration. This study generates first-hand information on antimalarial plants used in the region. Present study is a precursor for a detailed pharmacological analysis to ensure scientific validation.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.07.002

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