Milk adulteration: A chronic fear of real time | Abstract
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Milk adulteration: A chronic fear of real time

Author(s): Niha Khan, Manish Chittora*


Milk is a vital commodity in every day existence. It isn't always only a source of accurate first-rate protein, however additionally of calcium and riboflavin besides other vitamins. Milk being a complex mixture and a liquid food can easily be adulterated. According to PFA-1954 (prevention of food adulteration act) definition, ?¢????Milk is the normal mammary secretion derived from complete milking of healthy milch animal without either addition thereto or extraction there from.?¢??? Milk contains more than 100 substances that are either in solution, suspension or emulsion in water, the important being casein - the major protein of milk, lactose - milk sugar, whey and mineral salts. Because of regulations laid through FSSAI, maximum of the milk products follow suitable nice within the marketed merchandise but still some adulterations have been observed through the course of time. However, merchandise to growth the yield certain adulterants are introduced which might also have an effect on the nutritional best of milk. The adulteration has been located by and large in milk, curd, Butter and Ghee having water content being extra, but in few samples urea and starch was also discovered. For this reason, the write up truly brings the reality that milk and milk products might be adulterated.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.03.003

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