Investigation of herbals for the treatment of leucorrhoea from south west Bengal, India | Abstract
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Investigation of herbals for the treatment of leucorrhoea from south west Bengal, India

Author(s): Dulal Chandra Das* Nirmalya Kumar Sinha; Malay Kumar Patsa and Monalisa Das


Leucorrhoea is a very common problem among the female of reproductive age group particularly sexually active female but little research have been done in this area. It causes lot of discomfort, stress, weakness, tiredness, exhaustion, multiple aches, multiple somatic complaints and affect the sexual preferences. Due to the social stigma, the women do not disclose their gynaecological disorders even to their closest neighbours. They disclose their problems to the local herbal healers or practitioners only. Herbal healers treat these diseases using the plants which have immense medicinal potentiality. Up till now a little attention has been paid on documentation of medicinal plants used in the treatment of leucorrhoea from South West Bengal. An attempt has been made to collect the information from South West Bengal of India about the use of phytomedicine for the treatment of Leucorrhoea. The prescription of ethnomedicine were thoroughly interviewed and cross interviewed the local healers, patients, old and experienced tribal peoples regarding doses and administration. About 68 indigenous medicinal plants under 36 families of which 25 tree species, 8 shrub species and 35 herbaceous species have been recorded. The present investigation is an important thrust area to the society for the treatment of leucorrhoea and also helpful for the detailed account of the studied medicinal plant for future research to generate new phytochemicals and to formulate new bioactive compounds in the medical world.

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