Implication of blue green algae on yield attributes and economics of rice cultivation | Abstract
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Implication of blue green algae on yield attributes and economics of rice cultivation

Author(s): Ranjana Mallick


Indian agriculture is presently at cross roads as it has to increase output at one hand and has to take care of environmental aspects on the other hand. Rice cultivation is also facing the same dilemma. Use of blue green algae as bio fertilizer is one possible way to minimize application of synthetic fertilizers which have far reaching implications on environment and health. Present research study was formulated to screen most suitable combination of different species of cyanobacteria on yield attribute of Vandana variety of rice grown in Hazaribagh district. Three species of cyanobacteria, Anabaena + Nostoc + Gloeotrichia was studied and was compared with controlled condition and condition with conventional fertilization. It was observed that combination of biofertilizer gives better result on all parameters when compared to conventional fertilizer.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.06.001

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