Hepatoprotective activity of hepashrey syrup | Abstract
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Hepatoprotective activity of hepashrey syrup

Author(s): Manoj Dash, Laksmeesh Upadhya, Namrata Joshi, Baidyanath Mishra*, Sivani Prashar


Liver is known as a vital organ and play a crucial role in the metabolism and it is causes it to succumb to numerous hepatic diseases. Synthetic drugs exploited in the treatment of liver diseases are incompetent and may sometimes lead to serious side-effects. In this context, herbal therapy has emerged as a proficient approach with good values in treating hepatic diseases. Medicinal plants may serve as a vital source of potentially useful new compounds for the development of effective therapy to combat a variety of liver problems. Many herbs have been proven to be effectual as hepato protective agents while many more are claimed to be hepato protective but lack any such scientific evidence to support such claims. Developing a satisfactory herbal therapy to treat severe liver diseases requires systematic investigation of properties such as antiviral action (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C), anti-hepatotoxicity (antioxidants), stimulation of liver regeneration and choleretic activity. Formulation of herbal medicines with standards of safety and efficacy can revitalize treatment of liver disorders. In the present study, the efficacy of polyherbal herbal formulation Hepashrey Syrup has been studied in human with history of liver disorders twice daily dosage for a period of one month at OPD of JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore. The initial results are reported with encouraging results on liver. We conclude that Hepashrey syrup possess hepato protective effect in patients. This protective effect of Hepashrey syrup can be attributed to the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and hepato protective properties of the component herbs.

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