Genus scenedesmus from different habitats of nashik and its environs (M.S.) India | Abstract
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Genus scenedesmus from different habitats of nashik and its environs (M.S.) India

Author(s): Beherepatil K. H., Deore L. T.


Among the organisms frequently encountered in investigations of freshwater habitats are members of the genus scenedesmus. Species are delimited on the basis of the size and shape of the cells, as well as position and number of spines, if present. Thirty Two species of Scenedesmus are being identified from different collected samples from different aquatic habitats of Nasik, between Jan 2008 to Dec. 2012. Some species are rare and some are common among them. Scenedesmus acutus f. costulatus (Chodat) Uherkovich is first time reported from Maharashtra.

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