Efficacy of AM fungi against drought stress on sweet corn cultivars with special reference to biochemical contents | Abstract
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Efficacy of AM fungi against drought stress on sweet corn cultivars with special reference to biochemical contents

Author(s): Neelima Singh*, B. P. Shinde


This study was carried out to investigate the effect of drought stress on biochemical contents of sweet corn cultivars. The plants of sweet corn were grown in pots without mycorrhiza and with mycorrhiza i.e. control and experimental. The pots were placed under shade net and watered with normal water for one month at an interval of 4 days. The water stress treatment was started after one month at an interval of 4, 8 and 12 days. The biochemical analysis was carried out from leaves and kernels of sweet corn plants. The amount of chlorophyll, protein and starch has been decreased significantly due to increase in drought stress. The amount of proline and carbohydrates has been increased significantly with the increase in drought stress. However, these contents were more in mycorrhizal plants as compared to control plants. The results indicated that AM symbiosis alleviates the toxic effect of drought stress via improving water status of plants.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.06.004

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