Effectiveness of discontinuation of passive smoking on lung function of children by peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). | Abstract
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Effectiveness of discontinuation of passive smoking on lung function of children by peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR).

Author(s): Jyoti Sanghvi*, Ravindra Kumar, Mithun Somani


This prospective study was conducted to evaluate the effect of passive smoking on lung function of children aged 5-15 years by measuring PEFR as a screening tool and thereby to educate parents about health effects of passive smoking. One hundred sixty seven unrelated children with a history of passive smoking were recruited for the study. The PEFRs was measured by mini Wright Peak Flow Meter twice at interval i.e. at baseline and after 3 months of discontinuation of passive smoking. No significant difference was observed in baseline PEFR of boys and girls. Frequency of smoking was also found associated with lower PEFRs. A significant improvement was seen in PEFRs after the discontinuation of passive smoking in 3 months interval. Alterations of the smoking behavior of family member’s results in improved PEFR of their children.

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