Effect of sodium hypochlorite on shear bond strength using three different adhesive systems: an in-vitro study | Abstract
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Effect of sodium hypochlorite on shear bond strength using three different adhesive systems: an in-vitro study

Author(s): Vijay Mathai*, Mano Christaine Angelo, Jayakumar K., Sarath Babu K.


The aim of this study was to evaluate dentin shear bond strength with and without sodium hypochlorite (NaOCL) application using three adhesive systems. Sixty recently extracted premolar teeth were sectioned at the cementoenamel junction, cleaned and stored in distilled water at room temperature . Teeth were embedded in acrylic resin blocks in such a way that buccal dentin surface was facing up and the exposed dentin surface was polished using a wet 600 grit silicon carbide paper. The samples were divided in to 6 groups of 10 in each group. Group-I - Prime and Bond NT , Group-II - Prime and Bond NT with 5% NaOCL, Group-III- Single bond, Group-IV- Single bond with 5%NaOCl, Group-V- Clearfil SE bond and Group-VI- Clearfil SE bond with 5%NaOCl. All the adhesive systems were applied according to the manufacturer instructions, except 5%NaOCl solution treated for 2 min in Group-II, Group-IV and Group-VI. After curing of respective adhesives in each group, brass rings having 4mm internal diameter and height were placed over dentin surface. Z-100 composite was used to fill the ring in increments. The resin increments were light cured for 40s each and the samples were stored at 370C in distilled water for 24hrs and submitted for shear bond strength (SBS) testing with a crosshead speed of 1mm/min by using Universal Testing Machine. The data was analysed by ANOVA and Dunnet’s tests (P<0.05). There was significant difference between groups with or without treatment of NaOCL in Prime and Bond NT groups but not in Single Bond and Clearfil SE Bond groups. The mean average values of Load at break(Newton) and SBS (MPa) in MEAN±SD were: G-I (145.28±21.56), (11.55±1.23), G-II (243.29±56.42), (19.35±4.89), G-III (276.27 ±13.45), (21.98±2.18), G-IV (238.12±32.90), (18.94±2.34), G-V (208.28±12.52) (16.57±1.56), G-VI (169.07±45.24), (13.45±2.19). In this study it was found that the dentin shear bond strength of Prime and Bond NT increased after 5% Sodium hypochlorite application while that of Single Bond and Clearfil SE Bond decreased after Sodium hypochlorite application. However this being an in-vitro study, more in--vivo studies have to be carried out using several dentin bonding agents to understand the effectiveness of NaOCL on etched dentin and subsequently its effect on dentin shear bond strength.

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