Effect of media pH on the growth of entomopathogenic fungi isolated from different rhizosphere soils | Abstract
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Effect of media pH on the growth of entomopathogenic fungi isolated from different rhizosphere soils

Author(s): Chandra Teja K. N. P.


Many entomopathgenic fungal species are of agricultural importance as safe alternatives for chemical insecticides in controlling the various insect pests of crops. pH is one of the abiotic factors influencing the activity of these fungi in both laboratory survival and field efficacy. The effect of pH of the media on the biomass growth of seven locally isolated entomopathogenic fungal isolates was evaluated in the present study. The isolates in general had a wide pH range for their growth but had maximum biomass at low pH of 4 or 5 and least biomass growth at higher basic pH. Variations in growth among isolates were also noticed. The importance and applications of these fungi was discussed in the present day agricultural as well as industrial field.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.03.009

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