Effect of H.pylori and Cag-A on the infertility among males | Abstract
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Effect of H.pylori and Cag-A on the infertility among males

Author(s): Najat Jabbar Ahmed Berwary


Among infertility factors, the immunological factor that associated with humoral immunity against sperm antigens is one of the causes of human infertility. A hypothesis for the induction of anti-sperm antibodies (ASA) is the cross-reactivity of spermatozoa antigens and exogenous antigens including; bacteria, viruses, fungi and allergens. The presence of anti-sperm Ab, anti-H.pylori and Cag-A and its effect on infertility among male and female have been found. In the current study, 129 male and 38 females (18-59 years) participated. Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) used for detection of ASA, anti-H.pylori Ab and Cag A. The seminal fluid examination test was performed according to an examination and processing of human semen. H.pylori infection can be observed among both of infertile male and females who participated in this study. A significant difference in mean values was observed between the presence of ASA, anti-H.pylori Ab and Cag-A (P-value < 0.000). P-value < 0.000 also observed between Cag A and ASA according to the trauma of testes. The result of the current study showed that about one of a third of males who participated in this study have a history of a microbial infection that can lead to the destruction of testes barrier thus result in the production of auto-antibodies against sperms.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.03.001

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