Diversity of selective and non-selective fishing gears and their impact on ganga fishery in Bihar | Abstract
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Diversity of selective and non-selective fishing gears and their impact on ganga fishery in Bihar

Author(s): Rajesh K. Sinha*, Sinha R. K.


Application of fishing gears in fishery is the result of experiences gained over a long period of time. Every water body has a unique pattern of fishing activity. There is a well-defined pattern and distribution of fishing technique in the riparian sectors of the River Ganga based on topography, ecology and habitat of the resources available. Operation of fishing gears is also an indication of economic condition of the fishermen community where they use locally available, less costly materials to make substances of technological delight giving maximum return. The paper describes wide range of traditional as well as modernized fishing gears used by subsistence and professional fishers in the River Ganga and their impact on the fisheries and ecosystem of the same. The minute mesh size fishing gears, like shooting gears used for the collection of spawns of the economically important fishes especially spawns of major carps, in breeding season also impacting the fisheries of the river. The use of this kind of fishing gears is also the major cause of sharp decline of the Indian Major Carps i.e. Catla catla, Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala and Labeo calbasu in the stretch of the river. The negative impacts indicate the need of season and time based regulation of specific type of fishing gear. An awareness/training programs should be extended amongst the fishermen to create awareness of the long-term effects of their fishing practices. The fishing gears are variously designed to suit the local conditions such as, depth of the water, prevalent current, seasons, and size of the desired fishes. Some of them are selective for a particular species, but mostly multispecies types of gear. The present account is an attempt to document the occurrence of 28 different kinds of commonly used gears, lines and nets in the lower middle stretch of the Ganga. The objective of study is to present the recent data of fishing gears and net operated for fishing in Ganga and their impact on the Ganga fishery.

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