Development and characterization of abiotic stress tolerant Azospirillum. | Abstract
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Development and characterization of abiotic stress tolerant Azospirillum.

Author(s): Anitha Thomas*, Ramya Poshala


Abiotic stress is one of the most important environmental constraints that limit survival and productivity of staple crops like wheat and maize particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. Plant growth promoting bacteria (Azospirillum) are beneficial bacteria present in soil and forming associations with roots of plants. This investigation deals with the isolation and characterization of Azospirillum from maize roots. Azospirillum strain was identified by physiological, morphological and biochemical characters. These strains was identified based on morphological characters such as shape, and biochemical characters such as IMViC, urease were studied. Factors affecting growth of Azospirillum like temperature, salt stress, effect of pesticides and antibiotic tolerance were studied. The pot culture experiment was carried out to study the Azospirillum strain used on the growth of wheat plants. Salt stress has become an ever increasing threat to food production, irrigation being a major problem of agricultural fields due to gradual salinization.

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