Biochemical composition and phosphorus use efficiency in some mixtures | Abstract
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Biochemical composition and phosphorus use efficiency in some mixtures

Author(s): Anna Ilieva and Viliana Vasileva


In pot trial the biochemical composition and phosphorus use efficiency of birdsfoot trefoil, sainfoin and subterranean clover grown pure and in mixtures with perennial ryegrass in the next ratios were studied in the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria: birdsfoot trefoil + perennial ryegrass (50:50%); sainfoin + perennial ryegrass (50:50%); subterranean clover + perennial ryegrass (50:50%); birdsfoot trefoil + subterranean clover + perennial ryegrass (33:33:33%); sainfoin + subterranean clover + perennial ryegrass (33:33:33%). The highest crude protein content was found in the aboveground mass of birdsfoot trefoil (19.17%) and sainfoin (19.30%). The water soluble sugars contents in mixtures was found higher compared to the pure grown legumes. Birds foot trefoil showed the highest phosphorus use efficiency for plant biomass accumulation and nodules formation. In mixtures the phosphorus use efficiency was found be higher as compared to the same in pure grown legumes.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.07.006

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