Bioactive constituents, ethnobotany and pharmacological prospective of Cassia tora linn. | Abstract
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Bioactive constituents, ethnobotany and pharmacological prospective of Cassia tora linn.

Author(s): Satish A. Bhalerao*, Deepa R. Verma, Nikhil C. Teli, Rohan V. Gavankar, Ashwin A. Trikannad, Parinita P. Salvi


Cassia tora Linn. (Family: Leguminosae) is one of the well-known herb as well as a common weed in most of the Asian countries. In India, Different parts of these plants are known for its meditative value as an antioxidant, antimutagenic, antidiuretic etc. In Ayurveda this plant constitutes as “Dadrughan- vati” which helps in treatment of skin diseases like ring worm, leucoderma, eczema etc. It is an anthroquinone containing plant which also has a certain bioactive compounds such as emodin, rhein, palmatic, isostearic, etc. The present review deals with bioactive compounds, traditional uses, and pharmacological perspectives of Cassia tora Linn.

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