Assessment of laboratory errors and best laboratory practices in human healthcare. | Abstract
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Assessment of laboratory errors and best laboratory practices in human healthcare.

Author(s): Syed Riaz Mehdi, Sharique Ahmad, Noorin Zaidi


Laboratory error is defined by ISO 22367 as “Failure of planned actions to be completed as intended or use a wrong plan to achieve an aim”. Lundeberg in 1981 outlined the concept of Total Testing Process (TTP) and Plebani elaborated it further and classified the whole testing process into five phases of Pre-Pre Analytic, Pre Analytic, Analytic, Post Analytic and Post - Post Analytic. The errors have to be identified and resolved in each phase of the process. The medical laboratories have to run Internal and External Quality Control programs and abide by the guidelines of ISO 15189 in order to be accredited by bodies like JCI, CAP or NABL. Active communication and regular interaction between the clinicians and the laboratory is recommended during Pre Analytic and Post Analytic phases of TTP in order to achieve the target of Best Laboratory Practices.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.07.008

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