Antiserum to buffalo pituitary luteinizing hormone enables measurement of placental gonadotropins. | Abstract
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Antiserum to buffalo pituitary luteinizing hormone enables measurement of placental gonadotropins.

Author(s): Dr. Vasudha, Nikki Kumari, Kambadur Muralidhar*


Rabbit antiserum to buffalo pituitary Luteinizing Hormone (buLH) was raised and characterized with respect to titer, specificity and cross reaction with potential antigens with possible shared epitopes. There was very little cross reaction exhibited by antiserum to hLH with buLH. The antiserum to buLH could cross react with equine LH and Pregnant Mare serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) but to different degrees. A competitive ELISA for the measurement of PMSG could be standardized. Similarly antiserum to buLH cross reacted with hCG also in a direct binding ELISA.

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