Anti-proliferative effects of an herbal formulated cream on human keratinocytes and its implication for psoriasis treatment | Abstract
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Anti-proliferative effects of an herbal formulated cream on human keratinocytes and its implication for psoriasis treatment

Author(s): Harsha M.R, Baidyanath Mishra, Chaithra C.S and Vivekananda Ramana


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder which affects more than 3% of the population worldwide and is characterized histopathologically by proliferative imbalance and abnormal differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes and inflammatory infiltration. Hence, loss of regulation in keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation makes it a typical pathophysiological phenomenon in psoriasis manifestation. Traditionally, herbal products used in treating psoriasis have shown promising effects in several clinical studies with relatively fewer adverse effects, higher remission and lower recurrence rates. In our previous study, the polyherbal formulation of InnoVision’s test material was found to induce AQP-3 expression in keratinocyte cell line. In the present study, we screened the study material for its anti-proliferative properties using cultured human HaCaT keratinocyte cell model. Our experimental results suggest that InnoVision’s Psoriderm Cream is a promising source which can be effectively used as an herb-based topical agent for psoriasis treatment. Evidence is provided that inhibition of keratinocyte proliferation and improving skin hydration via induction of aquaporin-3 stimulation is the possible underlying mechanism for the observed anti-psoriatic action of study material.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.07.004

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