Antiproliferative activity of Tinospora cordifolia determined by cell count and trypan blue dye exclusion method in mcf-7 cells | Abstract
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Antiproliferative activity of Tinospora cordifolia determined by cell count and trypan blue dye exclusion method in mcf-7 cells

Author(s): Sakthi Priya M*, Venkateswaran K. V., Mathuram L. N., ParthibanT M., Mr. Vijayanand


An in-vitro study was performed in mammary tumor cell line MCF-7 to find out the antiproliferative activity of aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts of Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia, each at three different doses viz., 200µg/ml, 400µg/ml and 600µg/ml. Their effects on the proliferation of cells were analyzed by cell count assay and cell viability was detected by using trypan blue dye exclusion method. Both of the extracts produced significant decrease in cell count and cell viability, with maximum effect being noticed at the dose level of 600µg/ml. This result suggest that aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts of Tinospora cordifolia could reduce cell count and cell viability in MCF-7 cell line and act as effective anti-proliferative agent in mammary tumor.

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