A study on the antifungal susceptibility pattern of dermatophytes isolated in a tertiary care hospital | Abstract
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A study on the antifungal susceptibility pattern of dermatophytes isolated in a tertiary care hospital

Author(s): Vanathi Sabtharishi*, Radhika Katragadda, Thyagarajan Ravinder


Recent years, due to increased usage of antifungal treatment worldwide, there is an increased chance of rising resistance among antifungal drugs too. Dermatophytic infections causes’ superficial mycosis and it affects skin, hair and nail. These infections are more common and antifungal drugs are used everywhere to treat those common infections. To conduct a study by determining the antifungal susceptibility pattern in dermatophytic isolates from patients attending dermatology OPD in a tertiary care hospital. A total of 217 samples like hair, nail and skin scrapings were obtained and isolation of dermatophytes was done. Antifungal susceptibility testing for dermatophytes was performed by micro broth dilution method. Antifungal drugs tested were Griseofulvin, Fluconazole, Itraconazole and Ketoconazole. Minimum inhibitory concentration for each drug for fungal isolates was tested and results studied. Fluconazole showed a higher MIC values in the range of 1-8µg/ml. Itraconazole showed the lowest MIC values by micro broth dilution method. Since there is limitation of standard guidelines and protocol, meticulous research must be conducted on effect of antifungals and derive at universally implementable guidelines.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.05.003

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