A descriptive study to assess the degree and factors influencing internet addiction among higher secondary students of selected schools of Bhopal city, (M.P.), India. | Abstract
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A descriptive study to assess the degree and factors influencing internet addiction among higher secondary students of selected schools of Bhopal city, (M.P.), India.

Author(s): Priya Rathore Rathore, Praneet Waghmare Waghmare, Kusum Shah, Shweta Shivhare, Dr. Sheenam, Rohit Yadav, Minu S. Nair


“Internet addiction is defined as the compulsive urge to continually use the Net, whether it is to spend hours surfing the Web, hang around in IRC chat rooms, or play on-line games”.The present study was conducted to assess the degree and factors influencing internet addiction among higher secondary students of selected schools of Bhopal city (M.P.). Total 188 higher secondary students were taken by using Convenient Sampling Technique. The descriptive research design was used. The main finding of this study revealed that among 188 higher secondary students of various schools of Bhopal city 43.6% are having no internet Addiction ,42% having mild internet Addiction 13% are suffering from moderate Internet Addiction and 1.1% are suffering from severe Internet Addiction. There is a significant association with the degree of internet addiction and selected socio demographic variables.

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